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Saturday 11 March 2017

Meet the Tesla Killer a 1000 Horsepower Electric Car

Unknown - 07:38
Tesla is the pioneer in revolutionizing car industry but it has inspired competition. We are glad that it did. Faraday Future is a California based company. It is not a traditional automotive company. Faraday Future is tech startup with a vision to bring futuristic technologies to today’s cars. Earlier in January they showcased a concept car, code named FF01. It had unique look and some exciting features but it was merely a concept. Many critiques were skeptical on the Future of Faraday Future. At CES 2017 they shut up everyone with FF91 it is an actual working car with jaw dropping specs. It is powered by cells, that are most concentrated power bank there is in the industry, allowing FF91 to drive for 378 miles on a single charge. It can produce whooping 1050 Horsepower and you will see it can easily beat Tesla Model S in a drag race. It is faster than a Ferrari and the luxury Bentley SUV. FF91’s futuristic design is the right direction for the future development of cars.

Exterior of FF91 has many round design cues. It is designed to be easy on eyes and still allow its futuristic functionality like auto parking and high speed mobility.

Even its tires are completely redesigned. Aerodynamics of these tires are automatically adjusted as car feels the need based on the data collected by the sensors.

Source: techintrend


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